Onlim Blog

Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

6 Common Chatbot Mistakes Your Team Might Be Making

August 13th, 2020|chatbots|

Guest post by Daniela McVicker.  Using chatbots for sales, customer support or marketing communication can have tons of benefits. It can save time for your team and enable them to focus on more complex tasks, improve customer satisfaction, decrease [...]

Top 7 Requirements For Chatbot Software

July 30th, 2020|chatbots|

Chatbots help improve customer experiences by providing support or advising buyers during crucial decisions. Most importantly, chatbots holds numerous automation options that can significantly accelerate services. However, not all chatbot software solutions are equal. There are specific requirements that have [...]

Conversational AI For:

Customer Service




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