Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

From AI Data to AI Agent

When someone asks me what is crucial for a successful AI project, I answer: Good AI data, a well-designed AI agent and a well-defined transformation process for project implementation! An AI agent automates your processes, communication and tasks [...]

Revolution in legal research

In today's digital world, the abundance of information is both a blessing and a challenge. Especially in the legal field, where extensive databases need to be searched and precise information found, efficient search and retrieval tools are crucial. Large [...]

What Is Hybrid AI And What Are Its Benefits For Businesses?

Hybrid artificial intelligence is usually understood as the enrichment of existing AI models with specially obtained expert knowledge. At Onlim, we see things a little differently. We think this approach does not go far enough. That's why we are [...]

What is a Knowledge Graph?

A knowledge graph is a semantic network that visualises entities and the relationships between them. The information represented by the Knowledge Graph is stored in a graph database. An entity is a real object such as an event or [...]

Why Your Chatbot Should Be Based On Knowledge Graphs!

When companies start developing an AI-based chatbot or voice assistant, a machine learning-based approach is usually chosen. However, this method of Non-Symbolic AI only exploits part of the potential of AI, and many of these chatbots soon encounter limitations. [...]

Superintelligence: How To Achieve Next-Gen Conversational AI

Artificial Intelligence that not only imitates human thought and action but surpasses them? The concept of "Superintelligence" inspires enthusiasm and stirs up fears at the same time. The field of Conversational AI, in particular, can make a contribution to [...]