
Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

Voice Assistants in Marketing Communication

June 12th, 2019|

The distribution of voice assistants is increasing at a rapid pace. Juniper Research estimates that eight billion voice assistants will be in use by 2023. The generated revenue is also increasing rapidly. In 2023, around 80 billion dollars are expected to be generated with the help of voice assistants. [...]

9 Essential Facts About Live Chats

May 29th, 2019|

Successful businesses have one thing in common – satisfied customers. The better the relationship to the customers the better a business is usually doing. Customers are willing to spend their money when they feel welcome, heard, and understood. This is how they turn into long-term brand advocates and loyal [...]

How To Provide Great Customer Service In The Digital Age?

May 27th, 2019|

What do customers want? And how can you offer extraordinary customer service in the digital age? There are already numerous studies that deal with these topics. In this article, we will discuss the most important findings and provide you some tips on how to improve your customer service in [...]

Live Chat Best Practices For Customer Support

May 23rd, 2019|

Not too long ago emails were used as the universal customer support tool. All the while more and more businesses are making a shift towards live chat options on their websites and apps to enable even better customer support. The reason is quite self-explanatory as businesses with better customer [...]

Voice Assistants, Chatbots, and AI – Don’t Miss Out!

May 16th, 2019|

The number of devices that are featuring and enabling voice assistants is consistently growing. Experts are expecting a growth of the market for digital assistants of up to $3.6 billion until 2020. This definitely reminds us of other life-changing technologies like the social web. With the creation of the [...]

Customer Service Via Live Chat: Exciting Opportunity For Businesses

May 7th, 2019|

Many companies offer customer service via phone, email, and social media. New customer service channels are coming up all the time and it’s important for businesses to find the right ones to interact with their customers and potential customers. In this article, we are going to look at the [...]

Voice Assistant Statistics 2019

May 3rd, 2019|

How popular are voice assistants in 2019? This article gives you an up-to-date overview of the market development and usage habits with a special focus on Voice Commerce.   Download our free e-book to learn everything you need to know about chatbots for your business.    Market shares & [...]

Knowledge Graphs For Successful Customer Service Automation

April 30th, 2019|

Not so long ago the idea that artificial intelligence could take on customer service responsibilities was dismissed as science fiction. Using chatbots to solve customer problems was not a realistic option, regardless of the size of the business.   Download our free e-book to learn everything you need to [...]