
Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

3 Brands That Successfully Use Voice Technology

July 31st, 2019|

Guest post by Natasha Lane. As voice assistants continue to proliferate in homes and offices, and people get increasingly comfortable with them, voice technology is opening the doors to a new era of business. Whether it’s for marketing, sales, or customer service, the technology presents an improvement to the customer journey and [...]

Chatbots In Banking: How Chatbots Change The Game

July 26th, 2019|

With the start of Internet Banking in the 1990s, the banking sector has evolved steadily. Mobile Banking, as well as banking across different platforms, were only a few further steps on the way to create a digital bank. Banking chatbots are the next logical step in this evolutionary chain. [...]

Tips To Successfully Implement A Voice Strategy

July 24th, 2019|

It’s not an easy task for businesses to face the up and coming topic of voice. Quite understandably, as it is so diverse and covers a vast range of possible applications. This versatility calls for a thorough look at the possibilities and necessities that arise when familiarizing yourself with [...]

The Growing Impact of AI on the Banking Industry

July 11th, 2019|

Guest post by Raul Harman, Consultant and Editor in Chief at Technivorz. A recent research study shows that artificial intelligence is going to help financial institutions save $1 trillion in project cost savings. According to some stats by Accenture, AI will add $1.2 trillion in value to the financial industry by 2035.   Download [...]

Essential Elements To Develop A Successful Voice Strategy

July 9th, 2019|

No matter in which direction you are looking – marketing, customer service or sales, ‘Voice’ is coming up as one of the trendiest topics right now. This is not surprising as the technology and its infrastructure are growing by the minute. Voice recognition is reaching levels that were unimaginable [...]

4 Ways To Reduce Cart Abandonment With Chatbots

July 4th, 2019|

The online shopping industry is still booming. In 2018, the global e-commerce market grew by 18 percent. This trend continues. Despite the rising sales figures, e-commerce still has a major problem: high cart abandonment rates during checkout. With an average abandonment rate of 74.58 percent, companies continue to lose [...]

How Natural Language Processing Is Being Used Today

June 25th, 2019|

Guest post by Drew Page, content marketing specialist at CleverTap.   Can your child perform trillions of computations per second? Well, even the world’s fastest supercomputer (who can compute trillions of computations per second) would barely be able to understand what your child is saying. But the field of [...]

Voice Is King – Voice Control Is The New Standard

June 18th, 2019|

We are used to typing texts, pushing digital buttons and researching online to find the information we need. But is this really the best and most comfortable way to interact with computers? Until now this mode of interaction was based on a lack of better options. Computers used to [...]