Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

Humans Vs. Machines In The Age Of Customer Experience

Today, we undeniably find ourselves in an age of customer experience. In 2020, customer experience should even overtake price and products as the key brand differentiator. While businesses need to find ways to improve how their customers feel when [...]

The Role of Personality & Emotions in Automated Conversations

With the ongoing advancement of automated conversations, it is becoming more important than ever to emphasize the role of personality and emotions in the development of chatbots. Because just like in human conversations, the individual personality traits have a [...]

Preserving Consumer Trust In The Age Of Chatbots

If you want users to talk to your bot, it is important that they have a basic trust in it. On the one hand, they need to be confident that it can help them with their problems and questions. [...]

Conversational AI: Challenges and Opportunities

Juniper Research estimates that eight billion voice assistants will be in use by 2023. If this prediction is correct, it's an impressive number. But in addition to the number of assistants, the quality of the interactions also plays a [...]

How To Grow Your Sales Significantly with Chatbots

Guest post from Angela Baker, freelance writer at WoWGrade and Supreme Dissertations.  Chatbots are becoming increasingly important for companies, acting as not just a messaging tool, but as a means to reach customers, and communicate effectively.  They’re the newest and most exciting [...]

How To Reduce Your Customer Service Costs

Online marketing and customer service can very quickly become a costly endeavor. That’s why many businesses are looking for consistent ways to reduce their costs. Chatbots have risen to fame because of their cool features and their capacities to [...]