How Chatbots And Voice Assistants Are Revolutionizing Customer Service
Guest post by Michael Dehoyos. As machine learning gets smarter, the role of AI in our lives is continuing to grow. Once a sci-fi fantasy, voice assistants are now all around us, from our phone to our car to [...]
From Knowledge Databases To Knowledge Graphs And Conversational AI
How to leverage your company data effectively in times of digital transformation and make it available through Conversational AI! "Onlim Assistant, what do our current sales figures look like?" “In the last quarter the company made 10.4 million Euros. [...]
How To Blend Human & Artificial Intelligence For Better Chatbot Conversations
Guest post by Kayleigh Alexandra. If you want to achieve better chatbot conversations, you must combine human and artificial intelligence. Here are some tips for doing it. It’s immediately obvious when you encounter a poorly-designed chatbot because there are many [...]
Prepare Your Data For Conversational AI With Schema.Org
When users communicate with chatbots or voice assistants in natural language based dialogues, advanced artificial intelligence techniques are used in the background. This is the field of the increasingly important discipline of Conversational AI. Conversational AI relies on the [...]
Using AI Assistants For Crisis Management And Beyond (Part 2)
In part 1 of this article on using chatbots for crisis management we described the benefits of chatbots and what role they are playing during the current COVID-19 crisis. In the second part, you will not just learn more [...]
Using Chatbots For Crisis Management And Beyond (Part 1)
The COVID-19 pandemic hit us at lightning speed and has kept the world in suspense to this day. Such massive events and crises understandably lead to fear and great uncertainty among people. Public authorities have an urgent need to [...]