
Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

How AI & Automation Are Changing The Workplace

February 12th, 2019|

Guest post by Stacey McIntosh, editor-in-chief at Sage Advice UK. Many businesses worship at the altar of efficiency in the hope it will improve productivity, streamline data processes and drive growth. It’s not always so straightforward, but it appears these prayers have been answered. Thanks to recent innovations in AI and [...]

Next-Gen Retail Automation Powered by Deep Learning

February 6th, 2019|

Guest post by Michael Deane, editor at Qeedle. Artificial intelligence is transforming industries across the board. Since it automates key processes, cuts overheads, optimises staff time and generally boosts efficiency throughout the product cycle, there are few businesses that can afford to be AI-free in 2019. Retail is no [...]

How To Promote Your Amazon Alexa Skill

January 4th, 2019|

By using Alex Skills, brands have an amazing new possibility to get their voice heard. Amazon’s voice assistant “Alexa” is enabling customers to simply use voice commands to interact with a multitude of services. In this regard an Alexa Skill is a functionality that is enabled though these voice [...]

12 Of The Most Useful Alexa Skills

December 19th, 2018|

The success story of Amazon’s Alexa is one of the most impressive ones since the market entry of the iPhone in 2007. Combined with the smart speaker “Echo” an impactful team is built that is just the starting point of the voice driven future of technology.   Download our [...]

Can A Chatbot Replace Your Intranet?

November 8th, 2018|

The rapid availability and efficient distribution of information within a team is a topic that every business needs to address. An efficient internal communication is fundamental to a company's success.   Download our free e-book to learn everything you need to know about chatbots for your business.   The [...]

How to Use Voice Assistants as an Extension of Your Brand

October 17th, 2018|

Guest post by Meaghan Yorke, content writer for DesignRush Artificial intelligence and voice technology are shaping an exciting future, and we collectively anticipate the era when voice assistants will become as commonplace as websites. As people are getting increasingly comfortable with this technology and the leading voice assistants are [...]

How to Optimize for Voice Search?

September 25th, 2018|

Guest post by Raul Harman, Consultant and Editor in Chief at Technivorz    The popularity of voice search is growing at an astonishing rate. Research shows that one-fifth of all Google queries were voice searches. Moreover, the voice recognition industry is expected to reach $601 million by 2019. Voice is gaining popularity for numerous reasons. [...]