
Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

Chatbots: Changing the Way We Work

February 4th, 2020|

Guest post by Henry Garrett, technology and marketing enthusiast. Unparalleled predictive capabilities  Predictive analytics is becoming a more common practice in today’s business world. The power of having factual information to back up well-informed predictions can be an invaluable tool for any organization. Today, extended chatbot functions are [...]

What Comes After The Chatbot Hype?

January 23rd, 2020|

In 2016, the enthusiasm for chatbots knew no limits. For example, according to a survey by Oracle, around 80 percent of all decision-makers in companies assumed that they would be using chatbots in sales, marketing, and customer service by 2020. And according to another prediction, more than two-thirds of [...]

Humans Vs. Machines In The Age Of Customer Experience

January 17th, 2020|

Today, we undeniably find ourselves in an age of customer experience. In 2020, customer experience should even overtake price and products as the key brand differentiator. While businesses need to find ways to improve how their customers feel when interacting with them, they also have to overcome technological barriers [...]

Chatbot Analytics — How To Measure The Success Of Your Chatbot

November 28th, 2019|

Your chatbot is built. You already have the first users. But do you know how successful your chatbot is? The implementation and launch of a chatbot are only the beginning. Once you have mastered this step, it's about identifying metrics that will help you establish relevant chatbot analytics. That [...]

Sentiment Analysis: Enhance Your Chatbot Experience

November 20th, 2019|

Digital communication technology has become a core aspect of any modern business strategy, as text-based chats are becoming a very convincing and cost-effective option for customer service and are widely preferred by younger generations of customers. For that reason, chatbots have caught a lot of attention from businesses and are an [...]

What Problems Can Chatbots In Financial Services Solve?

November 14th, 2019|

The competition among financial service providers is increasing. New, innovative providers are constantly entering the market. Customer expectations are rising. Especially established banks have a hard time keeping up with the rapid change. They tend to lag behind current technological developments rather than play an active role in shaping [...]

The Role of Personality & Emotions in Automated Conversations

October 31st, 2019|

With the ongoing advancement of automated conversations, it is becoming more important than ever to emphasize the role of personality and emotions in the development of chatbots. Because just like in human conversations, the individual personality traits have a big impact on making a conversation partner feel understood and [...]

Preserving Consumer Trust In The Age Of Chatbots

October 25th, 2019|

If you want users to talk to your bot, it is important that they have a basic trust in it. On the one hand, they need to be confident that it can help them with their problems and questions. And on the other hand, they must trust in how [...]