Updates and insights from Onlim about chatbots, voice assistants and automated communication.

Using Chatbots For Crisis Management And Beyond (Part 1)

The COVID-19 pandemic hit us at lightning speed and has kept the world in suspense to this day. Such massive events and crises understandably lead to fear and great uncertainty among people. Public authorities have an urgent need to [...]

How To Reduce Your Customer Service Costs

Online marketing and customer service can very quickly become a costly endeavor. That’s why many businesses are looking for consistent ways to reduce their costs. Chatbots have risen to fame because of their cool features and their capacities to [...]

Digital Voice Assistants in Customer Service

Customer service is changing at a rapid pace as new technologies are empowering innovative ways of interaction that are becoming the new standard for customers. Only a few years ago technologies like chatbots, voice assistants or other virtual customer [...]

Expert Tips For A Successful Customer Service Chatbot

Artificial intelligence in the form of chatbots or voice assistants is more and more finding its way into customer communication. They provide enormous support in customer service and can be implemented in different industries helping with numerous use cases. [...]